European converts to the Jewish religion, disguised as “Jewish people”

The Venezuelan political scientist and researcher, Susana Khalil, talks about Zionism in this article. As a barbarity and the most terrible thing is that from the talent of ninistas strengthen it, putting in danger to humanity itself.

European Zionist Jews, you are not the “Jewish people”.

European of Jewish religion (Ashkenazi, Indo-European), you lie, you are not Semites or the Jewish people.

I. It is a lie to say that the European Jews are the Jewish people. They are colonizers.

European converts to the Jewish religion, they disguise themselves as “Jewish people, Semitic, Hebrew, Israeli”,  to colonize Palestine and then continue to colonize the entire Arab-Persian-Kurdish world.

It is necessary to clarify in elementary and primary terms, since there exists a whole intentional and planned current of presenting the Palestinian Cause (an Eurocentric colonialism called “Israel”), as something confusing. 

It is not easy to be elementary and this difficulty does not stem from the conflict itself (the Eurocentric colonization of Palestine, 1948), but from the monumental colonial fraud, from the arrogance and operational and effective Euro-Western ignorance.

We were delighted and neutralized, we settled, accustomed and submit to the lie as a reality that must be accepted, that it is a religious conflict, complicated, complex, confused, relative, ambiguous, and millennial, of the Levant. All within a striking abstraction. 

… It is so perfect that immoral and genocidal lie that managed, under the mantle humanist, to dehumanize us.

It is time to reflect on this enlightened and alienating lie that serves as an unarmed arm; but equally genocidal, against the native Palestinian Semitic people who resist and refuse to disappear in front of a colonialism that by its particularities  (a colonialism that does not come from a people), and the same forces them to the extermination of the people in question.


II. Conflict. Palestinian-colonial-Euro-Zionist

The Palestinian Cause is a struggle of a native people against a Eurocentric colonialism called “Israel”.

That’s it. There is nothing else. Don’t invent fascinating lies. That’s it and there is nothing else.

Yes, it’s an impact to read this. Yes, we were accustomed and adapted to abstraction. There is a whole illustrative, striking, aesthetic and even loving falsification of history. It is the other gas chamber serving to exterminate the native Palestinian Semitic people. It is a whole historicide, memoricide, genocide, epistemicide, culturicide, not only mediatical but also from the Eurocentric Jewish-Christian supremacist gluttony and equally from the bosom of academic and intellectual rationality that in many cases serves as opium of the people.

Source: stadtratte

III. Decolonizing the minds

Instrumentalization and Euro-Zionist colonial hijacking of the Semitic monotheistic religious legacy.

The monotheistic religious trilogy, Jewish-Christian-Muslim, is born and is a religious heritage of the Semitic peoples, that is, the Arab ancestor, that is to say what today is the Arab ethnicity. Yes, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are a legacy of the Arab ancestor.

Now this religious triad, not only comes from the same Semitic ethnicity but in its religious foundations have the same root and trunk. They are not divorced in their religious principles. Judaism is the mother religion of Christianity and Islam. Islam is a Jewish-Christian continuity.

… Secular West, there is no Arab religion. Secular West, there are the Arab peoples, the Arab peoples are ethnically Semitic and among those Semitic there are those who profess the Jewish religion, Christian and Muslim, there are agnostics and atheists.

… Secular West, you are not clear that the Jews are not a people, but you are clear that the Christians are a religion and they are not a people, equally you are clear that the Muslims are a religion and they are not a people… Secular Europe, none of these religions are peoples.

Okay, let’s assume that the Jews are a people, if that is the case, be sure that these are not these Europeans converted to the Jewish religion; ie, the Azkenazi (European Jews). We are facing an obscene Eurocentric falsification of history, if we say that the ethnically Indo-European Jews are Semitic. If you want to look for the ancient Semitic tribe of Israel, the Jewish people, the Semitics, the Hebrews, you will find them in the genes of the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis and Yemenites.

… Secular Europe, it is elementary to know that all the history and religious passage Jewish Semitic, be it history or myth, is history and myth that belongs to the Semitic universe, belongs to today’s Arab world. That is the heritage of what the Arab world is today.

The millenary Jewish heritage in the now called Middle East belongs to the millennial Semitic Judaicism; therefore, it is one of the legacies that make up the mosaic and monotheistic Semitic fabric; that is, of the Arab ancestor. This Judaicity is a historical heritage that belongs to the history and foundation of the Arab ancestor.


The West, it was not the Jews, nor the Christians, nor the Muslims who expanded into the world. What spread in the world were the respective religions, the respective religious doctrines that come from the Semitic peoples; that is, the today Arab world.

… Europe, it is primary and basic to know that: all the sacred writing, history and myths, are part of the history and memory Semitic; ie, the Arab ancestor, this is part of its pride, glory and misery. It is part of his imagination and worldview.

Europe, you have given birth to your own religiosity and polytheistic identity. But his monotheism is not an Indo-European creation, it is a semitic monotheism; that is what it is today, the Arab world.

But that doesn’t make you Semites.

Being a converted European does not make them Semites.

Being a convert to the Jewish religion does not make them Semites.

Being a convert to the religion of Islam does not make them Semites.

The millions of Chinese converted to the Muslim religion does not make them Semites.

The millions of Africans converted to the Muslim religion does not make them Semites.

The millions of Africans converted to the Christian religion do not make them Semites.

The millions of converts to the Christian religion throughout the continent of America does not make them Semites.

Source: tzahiv

I make a parenthesis.

The great and greatest persecutions against Christians and Jews were in Europe and by Europeans; but then that same Europe converts to Christianity and although it does not assume as a Semite, assumes that the holy places of Christianity in the Levant: Jerusalem, Damascus, etc., belong to them and create the powerful Crusades in 1090. There the Latin Kingdom is imposed and created. The bestial massacres against native Jewish, Christian and Muslim Semites were of vanguard. In 1948, from the same Europe, history is repeated by the same Europeans; but this time of Jewish religion. From the Crusades to Zionism…

Closing parenthesis, I had said that I would try to be elementary.

IV. The fascist colonial movement

Zionism is the European movement that materializes the fabrication and imposition of a colonialism in Palestine.

It is a classic colonial anachronism; but today in the 21st century. It is the most cruel colonialism in all of human history, due to its particularity. This particularity is because it is a colonialism that does not come from a people, as in the classic colonialism, but comes from a European fascist colonial movement: Zionism. Zionism conceived the fabrication of a nation-state, segregationist (only for the professing of the Jewish religion) within a colonial praxis.

The particularity of being a colonialism that does not come from a people, but from a movement, leads its Zionist ideologues to argue that they are obliged to exterminate the native Semitic Palestinian population, since the day these natives achieve their independence, they (the colonizer) does not have a point of return as it happens in classical colonialism. We know that they do have a point of return, but what they don’t have is a common point of return, as in classical colonialism.

In the liberation of the native Palestinian Semitic people, I believe and claim as just and worthy that this population carrying the “Israeli” colonial name would carry the native Palestinian name. They were born there, that’s Palestine. To be Palestinians on equal terms.

V. Zionism is the only colonialism that takes history and myths: traditions, music and cuisine of native people.

Another particularity of this colonial anachronism in our historical time is that, the same particularity, being a colonialism that does not come from a people, is forced to usurp equally the history and myths of the native people.

Zionism is hallucinatively appropriated, seizing all the sacred ancestral Semitic heritage and presenting itself as the descendant of the Jewish people, when in reality, it is a religious conversion of Europeans to the Jewish religion that had its great conversion within the Khazarian empire; a European empire of Caucasian ethnicity and that later on the fall of it, these Europeans expanded in the rest of Europe, where subsequently the Zionist colonial movement was born.
In the liberation of the native Arab-Semitic, Canaanite, Levantine, Palestinian people of Greater Syria, not only must recover their homeland soil, but also must recover their millennial and contemporary history.

VI. The native Palestinian Semitic people must be given back their homeland with its respective history

The power of functional savagery of our historical time, the stodgy aesthetic is macabre. A cowardice that has led to the creation of a falsification of history in a talented, stinky, ungenerous way. Zionism is barbaric but the most terrible thing is that from the talent of ninistas they strengthen it, putting in danger to the humanity itself.

Posted in Al Mayadeen Spanish


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