Tiktoker palestino Medo Halimy muere en un ataque aéreo israelí

En un giro sombrío de los eventos, Gaza ha perdido una voz vibrante con la trágica muerte del joven de 19 años, Medo Halimy, quien fue alcanzado por un ataque aéreo israelí. Halimy, conocido por su conmovedora documentación de la vida bajo el asedio, fue un faro de esperanza y resistencia para muchos.

En un día como tantos otros, Halimy se dirigió a un café de internet local, una tienda improvisada con Wi-Fi que sirve como un salvavidas para los palestinos desplazados. Allí, se reunió con su amigo y colaborador, Talal Murad. Momentos después, una repentina explosión envolvió su entorno, resultando en la muerte prematura de Halimy. Murad, quien resultó herido, relató la horrible escena: “Él representaba un mensaje. Representaba esperanza y fortaleza.”

El ejército israelí ha declarado que no estaba al tanto del ataque específico que cobró la vida de Halimy. Mientras tanto, tributos han llegado de todo el mundo. Heba al-Saidi, coordinadora de exalumnos del programa Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study, recordó con cariño el tiempo de Halimy en los EE.UU., diciendo: “Medo era el alma del grupo… humor y amabilidad e ingenio, todas cosas que nunca se pueden olvidar.”

La muerte de Halimy ha provocado una ola de duelo en las redes sociales, con sus seguidores lamentando la pérdida de una figura que ofreció una visión íntima de la vida en Gaza. Su cuenta de TikTok, que retrata vívidamente las duras realidades y pequeños placeres de su existencia, acumuló un gran número de seguidores en todo el mundo.

En medio del conflicto en curso entre Israel y Hamas, el contenido de Halimy ofreció una perspectiva única, enfocándose en las luchas diarias y momentos de ligereza en medio de la adversidad. Su último vídeo, publicado solo unas horas antes de su muerte, reflejaba su espíritu persistente mientras hablaba de un “proyecto secreto” con su característico tono juguetón.

La pérdida de Medo Halimy no solo es una tragedia personal para quienes lo conocieron, sino también una profunda pérdida para la comunidad global que admiraba su coraje y creatividad. Su historia subraya el costo humano del conflicto y el poder de las voces individuales en tiempos de inmensa dificultad.


Oct. 8th 12:50 am This video is from the first night of this genoc!de, which is probably the worst night of my life. you can feel the terror in my mom’s and sister’s voices. The attacks were right at the end of the street but that wasn’t the worst part. The moment I turned off the camera is when it all started going downhill. Three m!ssles targeted the house across the street, which caused our whole street to destroy as well as the house on top of our heads. I saw de.ath that night and I can tell you it was not fun at all. I don’t really wanna talk about it much because even just watching the video and remembering that night makes me cry, I just wanted to share this with you guys. Here is a longer version of my story… Well, on the first night as we were trying to sleep normally—I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen to us, the Israelis threw many nearby missiles that were very scary and awoke me and my family then they threw another 3, but this time they were so close to our house—10 ft away or so, they destroyed our house on top of our heads, we literally had to move bricks and stuff from on top of our heads and then went running in the street trying to go somewhere safer. I can’t even describe how awful the scene was. I am literally crying right now as I am writing this and remembering how horrible it was. To describe it quickly it looked like Call of Duty, it looked like a video game. All I could see was smoke from the bombing. What I heard was really sad and scary in a way, all I could hear was kids crying, moms screaming, and a siren sound going off. There was no oxygen to breath, it was all smoke and some bad smells. Luckily we made it past that night all alive with only some light injuries. We then stayed at an UNRWA school (supposedly a safe shelter, yet in that same night they had bombed an UNRWA school) for the next week, life was really hard! Harder than you can imagine! 51 people in one room! Imagine!! If you look at us while asleep we would look like canned sardines. They had cut all supplies (water, food, electricity, internet, etc) but we had some electricity because it was generated by solar panels, anyways, a week later they threw papers from the sky saying that we have to evacuate to the southern parts of Gaza Strip because they are going to be “safe”. It was so hard finding a car to take us to the south and we needed more than 5 cars. Lucky thank god we found cars at the end and we headed to the south. The trip to the south was the scariest trip of my life. It literally crashed me internally. They said it would be safe to go to the south but literally bombed and killed more than 150 people on their way to the south. We made it safely to the south after all and some strangers offered us an apartment they have to stay in. And now it has been more than10 mothes in the south and litrally living helI on earth

♬ original sound – Medo Halimy


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